Tuesday, September 9, 2008

September Senior Spotlight

My name is: Maureen
I go to school at: Kirksville High School
My favorite website is: Facebook
The magazines i always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: Cosmo and SeventeenMy current favorite band or song is: Brand New
My favorite food: Pineapple
My favorite restaurant: Red Lobster
The last meal I made was: Fajitas!
My biggest accomplishment in high school has been: Being in National Honor Society for three years and being co-captain of the dance team this year!

My dream job is: Being a whale trainer :)
I couldn't speak when I met: My mom haha
My favorite things in my closet are: My jeans and my shoes!
2 most important things to have a great friendship are: Trust and a good sense of humor

In 10 years I see myself: Hopefully happily married with a family and in a job I love.
I love Lucas Photography because (shameless plug): they make you feel like a model!
My top 5 senior events: Graduation, Tennis and soccer seasons, Prom, Pep rally's, and attending nationals with the dance team!
My #1 traits I want to take with me from high school when I leave for college are: Dedication and an open mind

Matt Lucas

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