My name is: Ashley
I go to school at: Hannibal High School
My favorite websites are: FacebookThe magazines i always have to stop and look at in thegrocery store are: Seventeen and
CosmoGirlMy current favorite singer is: Taylor Swift
My favorite food: Strawberry Waffles!
My favorite restaurant: Joe's Crab Shack
The last meal I made was: A Cheese Quesedilla
My biggest accomplishment in high school has been: Student of the Year Freshman year and setting a school record in volleyball
My dream job is: Athletic trainer for a big time sports team
One unusual talent I have is: I can cross one eye and leave the other one uncrossed!
I couldn't speak when I met: Santa Claus in the mall when i was little
My favorite things in my closet are: All my T-shirts!
2 most important things to have a great friendship are: Laughter & Trust
In 10 years I see myself: Hopefully in shape and having a good job and family
I love Lucas Photography because: Who doesn't want to be a model for a day?!
I am most nervous about next year because: A lot is expected out of seniors in sports
My top 5 senior events are going to be: Volleyball season, Prom, Graduation, Senior Banquet on the river boat, and Cheering with friends at football games
My #1 trait I want to take with me from high school when I leave for college is: My motivation
Matt Lucas